Urinary Care Center
Friday, September 20, 2024

Audio Presentation

Care and Drainage

of a Leg Bag

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The procedure to replace a bedside drainage with a leg bag to enable the patient to move about is as follows:
The procedure to replace a bedside drainage with a leg bag to enable the patient to move about is as follows:
The equipment you will need to assemble includes:
<UL><LI>the leg bag,
</LI><LI>alcohol wipes,
</LI><LI>a cap for the drainage tube,
</LI><LI>paper towels,
</LI><LI>disposable gloves
</LI><LI>and a sealable plastic bag.</LI></UL>

<p>Take the equipment on a tray to the bedside.</p>
The equipment you will need to assemble includes:
  • the leg bag,
  • alcohol wipes,
  • a cap for the drainage tube,
  • paper towels,
  • disposable gloves
  • and a sealable plastic bag.

Take the equipment on a tray to the bedside.

Wash and dry your hands.
Wash and dry your hands.
Put on disposable gloves.
Put on disposable gloves.
Place a paper towel under the connection of the catheter to the drainage tube.
Place a paper towel under the connection of the catheter to the drainage tube.
Disconnect the catheter from the drainage tubing.
Disconnect the catheter from the drainage tubing.
Wipe the end of the drainage tubing with an alcohol wipe and discard it into the plastic bag.
Wipe the end of the drainage tubing with an alcohol wipe and discard it into the plastic bag.
Cap the end of the drainage tube and place it carefully on the bed so that it does not fall on the floor.
Cap the end of the drainage tube and place it carefully on the bed so that it does not fall on the floor.
Remove the cap from the end of the leg bag connector.
Remove the cap from the end of the leg bag connector.
Connect the leg bag to the catheter.
Connect the leg bag to the catheter.
Strap the bag to the outside or front of the thigh so that there is no tension on the catheter connection. Check that the label
Strap the bag to the outside or front of the thigh so that there is no tension on the catheter connection. Check that the label "Top" on the leg bag is at the top. Discard the paper towel into the plastic bag.
Reverse the procedure when the patient returns to bed.
Reverse the procedure when the patient returns to bed.
Take this opportunity to empty the bedside drainage bag into the toilet ...
Take this opportunity to empty the bedside drainage bag into the toilet ...
... and wash and rinse the bag before returning it to the bedside.
... and wash and rinse the bag before returning it to the bedside.
Remove your gloves.
Remove your gloves.
Discard them into the plastic bag.
Discard them into the plastic bag.
Seal the bag and discard it into the trash.
Seal the bag and discard it into the trash.
Wash and carefully dry your hands.
Wash and carefully dry your hands.

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Survey Questions

1) Did the information help to decrease any anxiety that you may have had about the procedure?
Yes, definitely.
Yes, maybe.
No, not at all.
2) Did the presentation help you understand the procedure any better?
Yes, definitely.
Yes, maybe.
No, not at all.
3) How would you rate the quality of the information?
Very Good
4) Would you recommend this program to others having the same procedure?
Yes, definitely.
Yes, probably.
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