Minimal Surgery Center
Friday, September 13, 2024

Audio Presentation

Gallbladder Removal

Laparoscopic - Hassan Trocar

Your Procedure
  Your Body
  Medical Record
  Before Surgery
  Your Procedure
This information is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. MedSelfEd, Inc. disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information.
Now it's time to talk about the actual procedure your doctor has recommended for you.

On the day of your operation, you will be asked to put on a surgical gown.
On the day of your operation, you will be asked to put on a surgical gown.
You may receive a sedative by mouth and
You may receive a sedative by mouth and
an intravenous line may be put in.
an intravenous line may be put in.
You will then be transferred to the operating table.
You will then be transferred to the operating table.
In the operating room, a nurse will begin preparation by clipping or shaving the abdomen.
In the operating room, a nurse will begin preparation by clipping or shaving the abdomen.
The anesthesiologist will begin to administer anesthesia - most probably general anesthesia.
The anesthesiologist will begin to administer anesthesia - most probably general anesthesia.
The surgeon will then apply antiseptic solution to the skin around the area where the incisions will be made,
The surgeon will then apply antiseptic solution to the skin around the area where the incisions will be made,
... place a sterile drape around the operative site.
... place a sterile drape around the operative site.
Then, after you're asleep, your doctor will make a small, vertical incision in your navel.
Then, after you're asleep, your doctor will make a small, vertical incision in your navel.
Using a pair of small retractors, the surgeon will gently open the incision and divide the exposed tissues.
Using a pair of small retractors, the surgeon will gently open the incision and divide the exposed tissues.
Sutures resembling a purse string are placed in the skin around the navel.
Sutures resembling a purse string are placed in the skin around the navel.
Next, a special instrument called a Hassan Trocar is inserted through the opening in the navel.
Next, a special instrument called a Hassan Trocar is inserted through the opening in the navel.
The purse string sutures are pulled, causing the skin to tighten around the instrument. This creates an airtight seal.
The purse string sutures are pulled, causing the skin to tighten around the instrument. This creates an airtight seal.
The team then connects the Trocar to a small hose ...
The team then connects the Trocar to a small hose ...
... in order to inflate the abdomen with carbon dioxide. This serves to enlarge the internal work area and to separate the organs.
... in order to inflate the abdomen with carbon dioxide. This serves to enlarge the internal work area and to separate the organs.
They will make three or more incisions into the abdomen, with care taken to keep the openings as small as possible.
They will make three or more incisions into the abdomen, with care taken to keep the openings as small as possible.
Next, the laparoscope is carefully inserted into the Hassan Trocar. Once the laparoscope is in place, it will provide video images to allow the placement of additional instruments.
Next, the laparoscope is carefully inserted into the Hassan Trocar. Once the laparoscope is in place, it will provide video images to allow the placement of additional instruments.
The surgeon will then locate and retract the liver to identify the gallbladder.
The surgeon will then locate and retract the liver to identify the gallbladder.
Next, the surgeon removes the connecting tissue in order to expose the cystic duct and the cystic artery...
Next, the surgeon removes the connecting tissue in order to expose the cystic duct and the cystic artery...
Using clips, the surgical teams clamps off both the duct and artery
Using clips, the surgical teams clamps off both the duct and artery
which are later cut to prepare the gallbladder for removal. ...
which are later cut to prepare the gallbladder for removal. ...
Finally, any remaining tissue connecting the gallbladder to the liver is cut...
Finally, any remaining tissue connecting the gallbladder to the liver is cut...
The gallbladders is moved into the laparoscopic working port
The gallbladders is moved into the laparoscopic working port
where it is taken out of the body.
where it is taken out of the body.
Then the instruments are withdrawn...
Then the instruments are withdrawn...
the carbon dioxide is allowed to escape...
the carbon dioxide is allowed to escape...
the muscle layers and other tissues are sewn together...
the muscle layers and other tissues are sewn together...
and the skin is closed with sutures or staples.
and the skin is closed with sutures or staples.
Finally, a sterile dressing is applied.
Finally, a sterile dressing is applied.

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Survey Questions

1) Did the information help to decrease any anxiety that you may have had about the procedure?
Yes, definitely.
Yes, maybe.
No, not at all.
2) Did the presentation help you understand the procedure any better?
Yes, definitely.
Yes, maybe.
No, not at all.
3) How would you rate the quality of the information?
Very Good
4) Would you recommend this program to others having the same procedure?
Yes, definitely.
Yes, probably.
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